
Save to home screen

For easy access and quick sharing.
Simon Pollock
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mypage web-app

You can add mypage to your phones home screen.

The web app bookmark operates just like an app.

For easy access and quick sharing, both in-person & online.

First things, first. For the best user experience, open mypage in your Safari browser if you're using an Apple iOS device, and open mypage in Google Chrome, if you're using an Android device.

Safari and Google Chrome icons

iOS device

  1. Open your safari web browser, and log in to mypage.
  2. Tap the share icon (square with an arrow pointing up) on the browser's menu bar.
  3. Scroll down a little until you see "Add to Home Screen"
  4. Tap "Add to Home Screen". You can edit the page name, and choose a folder to save it to.
  5. That's it.

Android device

  1. Open your Google Chrome web browser, and log in to mypage.
  2. Tap the menu icon (three dots in the upper right corner).
  3. Tap Add to Home screen.
  4. That's it. You can edit the page name, and choose a folder to save it to.

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